Membership Benefits
Industry Membership
Access to Country Music Alberta support systems and contacts
Access to exclusive, association-only musical instrument insurance from Front Row Insurance
Eligible to participate in workshops, seminars, discussion groups put on by Country Music Alberta
Eligible to participate in special events put on by Country Music Alberta
Eligible to participate in exclusive performance opportunities as arranged by Country Music Alberta
Eligible to be considered for Country Music Alberta awards and recognition
Eligible to vote for Country Music Alberta Awards
Eligible to vote at the Country Music Alberta Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Ability to create a member profile for inclusion in the Country Music Alberta directory
Eligible to promote, sponsor or lend supports to seminars, discussions groups of any other special events as arranged by Country Music Alberta
Access to email distribution services - for only $50, Country Music Alberta members can direct-email our database of 600+
Emails must be print-ready and approved by Country Music Alberta
First-come first-serve basis
Limited quantities per month
Out-Of-Province Membership
Access to Country Music Alberta support systems and contacts
Access to exclusive, association-only musical instrument insurance from Front Row Insurance
Eligible to participate in workshops, seminars, discussion groups put on by Country Music Alberta
Eligible to participate in special events put on by Country Music Alberta
Eligible to vote for Country Music Alberta Awards
Eligible to vote at the Country Music Alberta Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Ability to create a member profile for inclusion in the Country Music Alberta directory
Eligible to promote, sponsor or lend supports to seminars, discussions groups of any other special events as arranged by Country Music Alberta
Access to email distribution services - for only $50, Country Music Alberta members can direct-email our database of 600+
Emails must be print-ready and approved by Country Music Alberta
First-come first-serve basis
Limited quantities per month